Beef Wellington with Haggis for one

Beef Wellington with Haggis for one

  • Serves: 1

Beef Wellington is such a treat, and it’s even more special with our stunning Scottish twist.


  • Centre Cut Fillet Steak
  • 100-150g All-butter puff pastry
  • 30g sliced haggis
  • 20g cooked mushroom duxelles
  • Savoury crepe
  • Egg wash


  1. Get ahead
  2. As all good chefs know, success begins with solid preparation. Take the time to get all your bits and bobs ready and follow these steps so you can focus on cooking your Beef Wellington with Haggis, rather than scrambling at the last minute!
  3. Sear the beef fillet all over very quickly in a hot pan (just a few moments on each side) then remove from the pan and cool quickly – you just want to sear the outside, not cook it.
  4. Cook and cool the mushroom duxelles.
  5. Cut a disc of the all-butter pastry approx 5” round for the base and another slightly bigger (approx 6”) for the top. Use any spare pastry for decoration if you feel fancy!
  6. Make one large crepe and cool, then cut two small disc approx 3” round
  7. Assemble
  8. Lay the 5” disc of pastry onto a lightly floured surface and then one of the crepe discs on top before placing a slice (or spoonful) of haggis.
  9. Place the seared fillet on top of the haggis and level it out, then add a spoonful of mushroom duxelles on top and cover with the remaining crepe disc.
  10. Brush the exposed edge of the bottom pastry disc with egg wash and carefully pop on the 6” pasty disc and mould gently over the filling, pressing the two pieces of pastry together at the base and crimp with a fork lightly to seal.
  11. Decorate with pastry strips if you have any spare, then place your beauties on a sheet of baking paper and pop in the fridge (unless cooking immediately).
  12. Cooking guidelines
  13. Well done, you’re nearly there! Now, time to cook.
  14. Remove your Beef Wellingtons with Haggis from the fridge in plenty of time so they reach, and remain, at room temperature for 10 minutes.
  15. Preheat your oven to 230°C / fan 220°C / gas 9, with a non-stick baking tray inside.
  16. Brush the pastry with your egg wash. Lightly oil the preheated tray and place your Beef Wellingtons on top (removing the baking paper) then cook for your preferred time:
  17. Medium: 18-19 minutes
  18. Well done: 24 -25 minutes
  19. (We haven’t included guides to cook rare, as the haggis needs to heat up to a safe temperature which can only be achieved with these times as a minimum)
  20. Rest
  21. Once cooked, it’s important that they rest for at least 10 minutes before serving. This gives the meat time to relax and absorb all the juices for a delicious finish.
  22. Use this time to cook your sides, set the table, pour yourself a glass of good red burgundy or Pinot Noir, and enjoy.


Our British, grass-fed, melt-in-your-mouth steak and our commitment to quality have earned us over 380,000 five-star customer reviews, not to mention our abundance of industry awards.

For almost 50 years, Donald Russell has carefully selected the highest quality beef, lamb, pork and more to supply the world’s top restaurants and luxury hotels, and are proud to deliver the same top-quality, great-tasting food direct to your door.